On this page you will find an up-to-date overview of the current state of scientific research on ASMR. A total of 68 ASMR articles have been published in peer-reviewed journals to date (as of November 2022).

The publications are distributed over the last years with most articles published in 2022, 2021 and 2020:

2022: 19 publications
2021: 14 publications
2020: 14 publications
2019: 9 publications
2018: 6 publications
2017: 4 publications
2016: 1 publication
2015: 1 publication

If you click on the respective year, you will find a short description of each paper. It presents the title of the studies conducted on the topic of ASMR, the names of the authors, and a brief description of the objectives and results of each study in chronological order.